Simile recognition involves two subtasks: simile sentence classification that discriminates whether a sentence contains simile, and simile component extraction that locates the corresponding objects (i.e., tenors and vehicles). Recent work ignores features other than surface strings. In this paper, we explore expressive features for this task to achieve more effective data utilization. Particularly, we study two types of features: 1) input-side features that include POS tags, dependency trees and word definitions, and 2) decoding features that capture the interdependence among various decoding decisions. We further construct a model named HGSR, which merges the input-side features as a heterogeneous graph and leverages decoding features via distillation. Experiments show that HGSR significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art systems and carefully designed baselines, verifying the effectiveness of introduced features. Our code is available at
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在医学图像分析中,许多疾病的微妙视觉特征要具有挑战性,尤其是由于缺乏配对数据。例如,在温和的阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)中,很难从纯成像数据中观察到脑组织萎缩,尤其是没有配对的AD和认知正常(CN)数据以进行比较。这项工作介绍了疾病发现甘(Didigan),这是一种基于弱的基于风格的框架,可发现和可视化细微的疾病特征。 Didigan了解了AD和CN视觉特征的疾病歧管,并将此歧管采样的样式代码施加到解剖结构“蓝图”上,以综合配对AD和CN磁共振图像(MRIS)。为了抑制生成的AD和CN对之间的非疾病相关变化,Didigan利用具有循环一致性和抗偏置的结构约束来实施解剖对应关系。当对阿尔茨海默氏病神经影像学计划(ADNI)数据集进行测试时,Didigan通过合成的配对AD和CN扫描显示了关键的AD特征(减少海马体积,心室增大和皮质结构的萎缩)。定性结果通过自动化的大脑体积分析来支持,其中还测量了脑组织结构的系统成对降低
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最近,机器学习(ML)电位的发展使得以量子力学(QM)模型的精度进行大规模和长期分子模拟成为可能。但是,对于高水平的QM方法,例如在元gga级和/或具有精确交换的密度函数理论(DFT),量子蒙特卡洛等,生成足够数量的用于训练的数据由于其高成本,计算挑战性。在这项工作中,我们证明了基于ML的DFT模型Deep Kohn-Sham(Deepks)可以在很大程度上缓解这个问题。 DeepKS采用计算高效的基于神经网络的功能模型来构建在廉价DFT模型上添加的校正项。在训练后,DeepKs提供了与高级QM方法相比,具有紧密匹配的能量和力,但是所需的训练数据的数量是比训练可靠的ML潜力所需的数量级要小。因此,DeepKs可以用作昂贵的QM型号和ML电位之间的桥梁:一个人可以生成相当数量的高准确性QM数据来训练DeepKs模型,然后使用DeepKs型号来标记大量的配置以标记训练ML潜力。该周期系统方案在DFT软件包算盘中实施,该计划是开源的,可以在各种应用程序中使用。
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图神经网络〜(GNNS)是用于图表学习的有效工具。大多数GNN依靠递归邻里聚合方案,称为消息传递,因此其理论表达力仅限于第一阶Weisfeiler-Lehman测试(1-WL)。受到基于检索的模型和现成的高性能检索系统的成功的激励,我们提出了一种称为GraphRetReval的非参数和模型 - 敏捷方案,以增强现有的GNN模型。在GraphRetRieval中,与其地面真实标签相关的类似训练图被检索为可以与输入图表示共同利用的增强功能,以完成各种图形属性预测任务。特别是,为了有效地从检索的图中“吸收”有用的信息,并“忽略”可能的噪声,我们引入了基于自我注意的适配器,以明确了解输入图与其检索到的类似图之间的相互作用。通过在12个不同的数据集上尝试三个经典的GNN模型,我们证明了GraphRetReval能够为现有GNN模型带来实质性改进,而无需包括模型大小和预测效率。我们的工作还首先验证了检索增强图神经网络的可行性和有效性。
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The success of deep learning heavily relies on large-scale data with comprehensive labels, which is more expensive and time-consuming to fetch in 3D compared to 2D images or natural languages. This promotes the potential of utilizing models pretrained with data more than 3D as teachers for cross-modal knowledge transferring. In this paper, we revisit masked modeling in a unified fashion of knowledge distillation, and we show that foundational Transformers pretrained with 2D images or natural languages can help self-supervised 3D representation learning through training Autoencoders as Cross-Modal Teachers (ACT). The pretrained Transformers are transferred as cross-modal 3D teachers using discrete variational autoencoding self-supervision, during which the Transformers are frozen with prompt tuning for better knowledge inheritance. The latent features encoded by the 3D teachers are used as the target of masked point modeling, wherein the dark knowledge is distilled to the 3D Transformer students as foundational geometry understanding. Our ACT pretrained 3D learner achieves state-of-the-art generalization capacity across various downstream benchmarks, e.g., 88.21% overall accuracy on ScanObjectNN. Codes will be released at
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Current natural language processing (NLP) models such as BERT and RoBERTa have achieved high overall performance, but they often make systematic errors due to bias or certain difficult features to learn. Thus research on slice detection models (SDM) which automatically identifies underperforming groups of datapoints has gradually caught more attention, which aims at both understanding model behaviors and providing insights for future model training and designing. However, there is little systematic research on SDM and quantitative evaluation of its assessment for NLP models. Our paper fills this gap by proposing "Discover, Explanation, Improvement" framework that discovers coherent and underperforming groups of datapoints and unites datapoints of each slice under human-understandable concepts; it also provides comprehensive evaluation tasks and the corresponding quantitative metrics, which enable convenient comparison for future works. Results show that our framework can accurately select error-prone datapoints with informative semantic features that summarize error patterns, based on which it directly boosts model performance by an average of 2.85 points based on trained models without tuning any parameters across multiple datasets.
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